This is what we believe:
We believe in
the teaching of the apostles proclaiming that Jesus is both Lord and Christ…
(Acts 2:36) Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that
God hath made the same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and whom dwelleth all the
fullness of the Godhead bodily: the Father , the Son, and the Holy Ghost. There
is no other name given under heaven where by we must be saved… (Acts 4:12) Neither is there salvation
in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.…from our sins. We believe that there are not three separate gods but three
manifestations of the one true God…
(Ephesians 4:4-6) 4.
There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in
one hope of your calling; 5. One Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6. One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through
all, and in you all. (1 John 5:7) For there are three that bear
record in heaven, the Father, the Word , and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one....We believe the path to salvation is
belief on the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior, acknowledgment that you were born into sin, repentance, baptism in
Jesus’ name for the remission of your sins and the in-filling of the gift of the Holy Ghost which is the Spirit of God
abiding in you and directing you.
This is where we will explain our church background and describe how we got to where we are today. For example,
we might talk about how long we have been in Alaska, or any awards or honors we have received. We might also talk about our
dedicated staff, and the importance of membership dedection .
The Vision
of Christ Temple Ministries is to meet the needs of all people from every walk of life.
We will accomplish this through continuing the work of Jesus Christ, bringing life, transformation, and empowering
people to become all God ever intended them to be. We will provide a safe haven for people where they can enjoy the
freedom to worship God in spirit and in truth.
Christ Temple is a Bible-centered ministry
of Apostolic belief; the Lord Jesus Christ is the Author and Finisher of our faith.
We are commissioned to preach, teach
and make disciples of all nations according to Acts 2:38 and in obedience to Matthew 28:19.
We are concerned about the spiritual, social and physical needs of the family and will aspire to educate and motivate
this generation, to evangelize the world for Christ through Bible studies, formal training classes and external studies.
We strive to be a dynamic people empowered
by the Holy Ghost to share Christ with as many as possible in our church, community and throughout the world. Our purpose is to be Christ-like in our daily living by emphasizing total commitment to the Lordship of
Christ Temple not only has an interest
in the community, but an obligation to the community. We are commanded to make
disciples of all men and women, regardless of race, social status, or creed. We
are compelled to spread the gospel to all people proclaiming Jesus Christ as the only source of eternal life.